
In the early 2000’s I introduced my dad to this tiny hamburger joint in Glorietta called Hotshots. Each quarter pounder burger was around P55, which was relatively cheap even at that time. My dad liked it so much, that he would ask me to buy it whenever I passed by the mall. And on weekends, he would ask that we eat there. Soon enough we all got sick of the damn thing, except my dad. He wouldn’t eat anything else. We were eventually able to wean him off of it. Prior to that his favorite were the rice meals in Goldilocks. And prior to that, Chowking. He was a creature of habit, and now I’m discovering that I am too, although my fixations last for shorter periods of time.

My current fixation, the food in Nanyang. The meals are not even, like, super fantastic, but I now know what to expect, and I now feel comfortable ordering the same thing, at times rotating my orders. Yesterday I had this kaya toast meal for lunch. I only had kaya toast once, at the Changi airport. I’ve always wondered why people are drawn to it: it’s just tinapay with palaman. But it has its charm and I haven’t been to Singapore in 3 years. Besides, you can say that about most food. Like sticky mango rice is just suman with mangga, or arroz ala cobana is menudo with saging.

I always wondered what than thin white sliver of white was. In the photos it looks like cheese. It’s butter pala.I also never figured out what to do with the soft-boiled egg, and as I researched later, you dip the bread in it. Which makes me wonder: whatever happened to Hotshots?

Categories: Blogs

4 replies

  1. It didn’t come with white pepper and soy sauce? Based on experience, the soft-boiled egg often comes with those two; you drizzle the egg with soy sauce, add pepper to taste and stir.


  2. Haha… I can be like that too, choosing to eat at one resto for some time before moving on to another and repeating the cycle.
    Oh, I got introduced to Kaya toast at Changi airport because of its blockbuster pila and the curious patolera me tried it. I liked it somehow and it goes very well with the soft-boiled egg doused in dark soy sauce then washed down with Teh C (hot black tea with evap milk). Also, now I’m getting more curious about Nanyang. I’ll definitely try it when I get home.^^


  3. For someone who likes eating something salty and sweet together this is the perfect combo for me!!! The kaya spread is the make or break of this combo!


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